Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesdays with Jesus #174

#174 "Obvious"
October 19, 2010

"Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise". (Philippians 4: 8 CEV)

Hey precious ones!! I pray that Tuesday morning finds you well and more in love with your Savior than you were yesterday. You are most dear to me, and I pray so very often that you are feeding on the manna of God's Word and drinking of the Living Water that is Christ, each and every day. We absolutely can't make it without being desperate for Him.
Beth Moore recently wrote, "He [God] is simply never more obvious to us than when we need Him desperately". As many of you know, the last few weeks have been heartbreakingly rough around the Schultz home. I have needed Him desperately! I'm sure that there have been many times that you have needed Him that way too. It may even be your estate today.  
In times of loss, darkness, problems and heartache, the last word you might use to describe God would be obvious, right? Darkness hangs like a blanket over your life and the more likely question you're asking may be, "Where is God"? The verse above commands us to "keep our minds" and "don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise".  The Greek translation for this verse pictures "considering, taking into account, weighing, or meditating on something. This word deals with reality. If I "logizomai", or reckon that my bank book has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not suppositions".  (KJV with Strong's)

The fact is, there are plenty of things that are true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper to keep our minds on. The fact is that there are plenty of things that are truly worthwhile and worthy of praise for us to always be thinking about. The fact is that God is obvious all around us. Our part is to purposefully look for Him. I submit to you that if we make up our minds to look, He is not hard to find.
I find Him when He holds His palette and carefully paints the leaves on the trees in my backyard gold, orange and red. I find Him when the downy woodpecker lands outside my kitchen window and painstakingly  pecks at the brick. What in the world does he expect to find there? I hear a still small voice explain to me that I do the same thing. I peck my beak on brick walls that will never satisfy. God calls me to drink living water and promises that I will never be thirsty again.
I find Him when I come in from the crisp, cold morning and smell fresh-brewed coffee and feel the warmth of the heat from my furnace. I find Him in clean sheets and comfy blankets on my queen-size bed. There are those who are not so blessed and I am thankful. Those simple things that we take for granted are worthy of praise.
I find Him when I hear my husband on the phone with his son, laughing so hard that he can scarcely breathe. It wasn't so long ago when they barely spoke to one another. Oh, dear friend, God is so obvious right there!
I find God when my granddaughter pokes her head out of the door and says, "Hello Moon," and "I see a star"! When was the last time you let the heavens declare the glory of God, loud and clear through His creation? Have you ever gazed with childlike wonder at the moon, God's faithful witness in the sky? Have you recently reminded yourself that God knows each and every single star by name and that He knows your name as well?
I find Him when I see the Ebenezer stone outside my door that daily reminds me that I can say with conviction, "Thus far has the Lord helped us", in each and every situation that has come to this house and to our family. (1 Sam. 7:12) And He will continue to help us because He is the same...yesterday, today, and forever.
I find God, and He is so very obvious when folks are marveling at our faith and the faith of my daughter in the midst of horrific heartbreak and wondering what would give her so much strength. Right there He gives us all the perfect privilege of naming His Name and pointing others straight to our Strength. He is obvious when because of my daughter's willingness to share her pain; other women are finding courage to do the same. I can see Him. I can find Him. He's plain as day!
I find Him when my newly widowed sister-in-law shares her specific prayer to God with me and tells me that when she went to church this weekend, the message was EXACTLY about what she had poured out to Him. That is confirmation that my God knows each and every one of us, individually and intimately, and cares so deeply that He will use a jar of clay to be His voice and speak into our hurt and pain, bringing peace and rest.
I find Him in the sun and in the rain. I find Him in the smell of homemade applesauce simmering on the stove on a chilly autumn day. I find Him in the smile and laughter of my six-month old grandbaby who my oldest daughter longed for. The Lord remembered her and opened her womb. Glory to God!
So many opportunities for thanksgiving. So many places to take off my sandals and stand on holy ground. When I do, the Light of Christ Jesus shines bright and illuminates the darkness around me. I must determine, purpose, and decide to seek. I am promised that if I seek and keep on seeking, I will surely find.
Would you ask the Lord Jesus, by His Holy Spirit to open your eyes, ears and heart to His obviousness in your life today? If you are desperate for Him right now, He stands at the ready to reveal Himself to you. He is there. Seek Him and you shall surely find Him. Purpose in your heart to do it. Don't be content to sit passively in the darkness when there is so much life to be lived in the Light of His presence.
"You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You". (Isaiah 26:3 AMP)

Living the Word along with you,

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