What better time is there to celebrate the birth of a Savior?
We need a Savior. We need someone to give us hope, to tell us that it will all be okay.
Angels singing, bells are ringing, a baby in a manger bringing us hope. Hope that justice will be done. Hope that there will one day be a new earth. A terra-firma where no one's mind will snap. Where no one will lose their grip. Where children will run free and unafraid.
We must believe. If we don't believe, we will lose our grip as well. We will become bitter and hopeless and despair and destroy. What good will that do, except to perpetuate more evil?
One day there will be peace on earth. Not today.
Since Eden, there has been no peace. Man's fault, not God's.
The babe in swaddling clothes grew in grace and wisdom and stature and walked and talked and lived and laughed and suffered and died on a cross, arms outstretched, blood flowing, to bring this peace on earth, good will toward men.
I believe this. I have to believe this. I have to believe Him. I would have lost heart a long time ago, if I had not believed.
As tears flow, as hearts ache, as breaths come shallow and labored and heavy, there is hope. Blessed Hope.
He knows how much we need Him. And He will come. He will come to hearts today and He will come to earth soon.
The babe in the manger will come a King on a white horse. Splendor and majesty and all things made right and new.
The time is near.
What better time to celebrate His birth than in the midst of such horror?
We need Him so!
And I know that He will show us His Glory. There will be stories. I'm waiting to hear them. I know that He will show Himself in so many ways that could only be Him. Because only He can turn ashes into beauty, give gladness for mourning, strength for fear, peace for despair.
He will make Himself known. Because even though it's so hard to believe He could be, He is here. Here to comfort. Here to weep. Here to strengthen. Here to uphold and lift up and keep us continuing on.
Because He came. In the fullness of time, God sent Him.
Christmas has a whole new meaning to me today. God, how we need a Savior! God sent us a Savior!
His Name is Jesus, the Lord's Christ.
Christ the Lord.