Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Purpose In Our Pain

Israel's trials in the desert kept their attention on their Provider. Because the manna didn't last overnight, each new sunrise brought the need to look up to the God of Heaven for that new day's sustenance.

There is purpose in our adversity. There is purpose in our pain.

God wants to get our attention. He wants to keep our attention. He wants to remind us of His love. He wants us to know Him more intimately. He wants us to examine our ways.

When I say, sing, and pray, that I want to know Jesus more fully, more deeply, and more intimately, it would only follow that I must encounter Him somehow. I must encounter and go through some things, to give Him the opportunity to show Himself to me.

If I've ever prayed for that kind of closeness with God, my trials could actually be the answers to those prayers. How else would I know? I could only hear and read about Him, but I'd never EXPERIENCE Him. The wonder of Him. For myself. And because He is faithful, He will always show Himself and He is all good.

How could I know that He is a Provider, if I've never been in need?
How could I ever know that He is a Healer, if I've never been sick?
How could I ever know that He is my Strength, if I've never been weak?
How could I ever know that He is my comfort, if I've never mourned?

I must go through what He wants me to go through so that I can see Him clearly, trust Him deeply,  and be prepared for the inevitable trials of the future. I will remember His faithfulness today and be encouraged tomorrow.

I can only depend on God, if I have faith in God. Faith in His ability. Faith in His character. I must believe that God is Who He says that He is. I must believe that God can do what He says He can do.

And He says that He daily bears my burdens.
He says that He daily loads me with benefits.
He says that He is my Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
He is my Friend who supports me day after day after day.
My Friend is exceedingly, abundantly faithful, able, and competent to accomplish whatever concerns me today.

Do you know Him today, as that kind of Friend? 


  1. Dear Donna
    Your words remind me so much of our Lord's words where He says that He refines us int he refiners fire; not like gold and silver is refined, but through suffering!! How will we ever trust Him if everything always goes well?
    Blessings to you.

  2. Faith building words on believing. He is more than capable!

  3. YES. yes. oh, such truth. how many of us know him as FRIEND? something i've been longing for lately too. thank you Donna!

  4. So true...purpose in our pain...similar to Joni's 5 points I shared this week. Thanks for linking up and for displaying the button! God bless you,

  5. A love note straight from God's heart! Thank you. You are telling about His absolute truth.

  6. This is so encouraging thank you so much.

  7. I truly believe in this. A man preached at our church not long ago about the purpose for our pain, and how our pain is never wasted. I have been learning this firsthand the last year and a half of my life, and I have a feeling this is only the beginning of what God is teaching me.

  8. Thank you for linking up last week over at Wisdom Wednesdays. Your post was one of the top 3 from the link up! I'll be sharing it on my Facebook Page today! I hope you'll stop by again today and share your wisdom! Blessings!
