Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday's with Jesus #85

#85 "Deep Wells"
February 27, 2007
"Sir," the woman said, "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep." (John 4:11)  Passage Lookup: John 4: 4-26
As I look back over my life, I can remember so many experiences that seemed insurmountable. Impossible is probably a more accurate word. It seemed that there was no way on God's green earth that I could get out of that mess, climb that mountain or arrive on the other side of my problem whole and intact. The giants looked to big. I felt like a grasshopper. The chariots of the enemy were behind me and the Red Sea was before me. There was no way out. I would surely drown. I would surely get swallowed alive. I've come to believe that our perception and view of Jesus is way, way off. We often say to Him, "My well is just too deep. And You have nothing to draw with."  
I learn some strange things when I'm preparing for these messages. Like that the deeper a well is, the better it is. A deep well is better protected from local contamination and wouldn't likely go dry even during years of drought. Drawing a twisted analogy from this, I can say that the deeper the well of our personal problem, the better able Jesus is to show His power and ability. You may have nothing left to draw with...but don't underestimate the power of our Savior! That's why they call Him "the Savior" after all...
In a class that I teach, we just finished talking about the Two-E principle for living life. Endure the winds of adversity while Expecting the waves of divinity. If you endure, you are bearing up courageously (under suffering). You are taking it patiently. You are holding up. (Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words) This is not just hanging on by your fingertips. This is enduring WELL. And you are enduring well because you are expecting much. The word "expect" in the New Testament suggests a reaching out in readiness to receive something. You're looking for it. You're waiting for it. You're reaching for it. You are so sure that Jesus will step in and do something that you won't even think that there's another way. Do you truly believe that He can do what you can't in your situation? Do you think your well is just too deep or do you expect to see waves of Christ's divinity roll onto the shore of your problem?  
Oswald Chambers in his book, "My Utmost for His Highest" says this...."My misgivings arise from the fact that I search within to find how He will do what He says. My doubts spring from the depths of my own inferiority." We look at Jesus as if He were one of us. Yes, He lived on earth as a Man. But don't ever forget that He is God! Don't try to figure out how He will do what He's promised in your life. He can do "exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ever ask or think." The Amplified Bible says it this way..., "He is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]."  Can somebody say, "He is Able?" Solomon, the wisest man in the world tells us to "trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean NOT on your own understanding." And Isaiah the prophet tells you that "[God's] ways are higher than your ways and [God's] thoughts are higher than your thoughts." Don't tax your brain and your emotions trying to figure it all out. It's beyond you, my friend. He is able. Endure. Do what you can. Let Christ do the rest. Expect. Truly believe that He will. Your well is not too deep.
The Samaritan woman saw Jesus the man, a deep well and nothing in His hands to draw with. She doubted His ability to do anything for her. But that very morning, He gave her "rivers of living water" that changed her life forever. Jesus is able to reach deep into the well of your problem and bring up good, fresh, clean, living water. He can make your marriage alive again. He can make that child repent and thirst for righteousness. He can provide money for that mortgage payment and light bill. He can repair that broken relationship. Your well is never too deep and He has everything He needs to draw from it...even if you can't see it. And He will only draw what is good and perfect and best for you.  Remember, the deeper your well, the more awesome and powerful Christ will show Himself in your life. To God be the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Donna Schultz                                                                             

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