A couple of Sunday's ago, we were sitting at the local Starbucks after breakfast, after church. This has become somewhat of a Sunday ritual. Chuck and I, Kelly and Dan, and Miss Ashton, leave our church service, have breakfast at the local coney island, and head over to Starbucks. Ashton loves her "coffee" which is really some strawberry-coconut, no caffeine concoction, depending on her fancy of the morning. We start 'em on Starbucks young in this family!
As we were chatting and sipping our drinks, Ashton's eyes were caught by the picture on the front of my cell phone.
Ashton and Brooklyn
I picked up my phone to show her momma and said, "Those are my girls." In the sweetest voice you would ever hear, Ash leaned her head on my shoulder and said, "You're MY Gigi?" (that would be me) I said, "Yes, honey, I'm your Gigi, but am I Brooklyn's Gigi too?" With the biggest sigh a 3 year old could muster, she hugged me tight and said, "Yaaa." There was a hint of sadness in her voice. Maybe she feared that there was just not enough Gigi to go around.
There once was a man named Jairus, who was one of the rulers of the synagogue. His little daughter was dying and he had heard of Jesus, who was healing many people. Falling at His feet, he begged Jesus to go with him to the place where his daughter lie. Jesus agreed and they set out for the home of the ruler.
Along the way, amidst the great crowds, walked a woman who had suffered from "female problems" for twelve long years. She had also heard of this Healer. Repeating these words, over and over again to herself, "If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed," she pressed forward through the multitude until she came upon the Man and touched the hem of His garment. Immediately, her bleeding stopped.
The Healer stopped to have an encounter with the healed. All the while, tapping his toes, Jairus waited. I can only imagine what he was thinking as his little daughter lay dying, and here was Jesus tending to another. Sure, she had an "issue", but HIS daughter was on her death bed, with only moments left to live. If this Man didn't hurry....
Then came the news. It was too late. "Your daughter is dead," Jairus heard. There just hadn't been enough Jesus to go around.
Perhaps you're standing on the sidelines today, tapping your foot, because it seems that Jesus is doing something for everyone else but you. You asked Him, but He's stopped along the way to bless, heal, provide, and supply someone else's need. If this Jesus doesn't hurry....
The enemy will tell you just what "some men" came and told Jairus. "Why bother the teacher any more?" It's not your turn. It's too late. You missed out. He's forgotten you. He gave all He had to someone else.
"Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, "Don't be afraid; just believe."
Jesus went to the home of Jairus in spite of what they said. He knew something they didn't know. She was only sleeping, He told them. Not dead. They laughed at Him. Woe to those who laugh at the Healer!
Immediately the girl stood up, walked around and ate a meal.
Jesus modeled for us a key ingredient to any victory. Ignore what the enemy says!
There is enough of Jesus for you, no matter how long He stops to care for someone else. It's not too late. You haven't missed out. He hasn't given His all to another. His garment is long enough. His power is great enough. He knows something you do not. Ignore the voice of the enemy. Don't be afraid. Just believe! Even if He stops along the way. A delay is not a denial.
My heart has enough room and enough love for both of my granddaughters. There is quite enough Gigi to go around.
Christ's heart has enough love, and His hands have enough power to heal, for you and for me. He will tend to both of us you see, because He loves us both the same. There's more than enough of Him to go around.
Scripture Reference: Mark 5: 21-43
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